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    Our Values

    Participation, Collaboration, Cooperation, Development
    参与 互助 合作 发展

    Participation Recipients and beneficiaries of the charity are the source of volunteer groups to work in the charity project, e.g. management of library and facilities by locals. By participating in the charity project as volunteers, the recipients enhance their appreciation about charity, which helps to foster an attitude of gratitude in the healthy growth of children.
           当地参与 – 慈善捐助的受助对象是开展慈善项目所需志愿者的来源,例如,由当 地人来管理图书馆等设施。由当地人参与项目管理能保证捐款的使用和质量最优化。

    Collaboration New Chapter Charity will work with and provide assistance to the project volunteers and will look for projects in community areas where local schools and community associations can be willing co-operative partners. Commitment by locals on a project ensures maximization of usage and quality of maintenance.
           社区互助 – 我们希望在当地学校和社区组织愿意作为合作者的那些地方寻找捐助 项目,来实现上述目标。

    Cooperation New Chapter Charity will also co-operate with other NGO charities to share resources for the common aim of creating a good educational environment for children in poor communities to learn and grow.
           相互合作 – 我们将协助项目志愿者以及联手其它公益伙伴来齐心协力完成项目, 资源共享,以共同创造一个良好的教育环境,使贫困地区的儿童得以学习和成长。

    Development New Chapter Charity has the goal of growing with children of poor rural communities to help with their continued learning and growth longer term and shall strive to develop projects and programs to that aim.
           长期发展 – 我们的目标是:通过长期帮助贫困乡村儿童不断地学习和成长来与他 们一起发展,并努力为此开展各类慈善捐助项目。